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الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
المواضيع الأخيرة» ربما أنساك ...ممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 29/10/2018, 4:34 pm من طرف ‎فواز» جبل ميرابممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 29/10/2018, 3:11 am من طرف ‎فواز» صور لـ حديقة التوابل في جزيرة بنيانج ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 1/1/2015, 3:35 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» ميدان نصب النسر في جزيرة لنكاوي ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 31/12/2014, 3:07 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» منارة كوالالمبور رابع أعلى منارة فى العالمممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 30/12/2014, 1:45 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» معلومات وصور عن مدينة ملاهى جنتنج بماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 29/12/2014, 2:01 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» صور اكوايرا كل سي سي ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 28/12/2014, 2:35 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» مؤامرة سحب السفراء من قطر ممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 25/12/2014, 5:37 pm من طرف ‎خالد رشدي» عالم ما تحت الماء فى لنكاوىممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 25/12/2014, 2:13 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» أحصل على تأشيرتك السياحية الى أوروبا (تأشيرة شنغن)لدخول جميع دول الاتحاد الاوروبىممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 24/12/2014, 10:57 pm من طرف ‎فيز اوروبا» متحف القوات المسلحة بكوالالمبور ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 24/12/2014, 4:35 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» صور رائعه مختاره من العاصمة السياسة لماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 23/12/2014, 2:34 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» صور حديقة الفواكة بينانج ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 22/12/2014, 4:56 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» رحلة شهر عسل رخيصة فى ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 21/12/2014, 5:17 am من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده» حديقة التماسيح بالنكاوى ماليزياممكن تساعدوني Post_o10 17/12/2014, 11:11 pm من طرف ‎رحلة سعييده

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crazy nurse

:: عضو نشـيط::

crazy nurse

معلومات إضافية
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ممكن تساعدوني Soudia10

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ممكن تساعدوني Post_o108/3/2011, 8:05 pm
رقم المشاركة: 1
مُساهمة  ممكن تساعدوني
احبتي لن اطيل عليكم ولكم طلب مني بحث عن
الغيرة في الاطفال اكيد باللغة الانجليزية فارجوا منكم المساعده
ولكم الشكر الجزيييل
jealousy of children

الموضوع : ممكن تساعدوني  المصدر : منتديات شمير  الكاتب:  crazy nurse

توقيع العضو : crazy nurse
معلومات العضو

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معلومات إضافية
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ممكن تساعدوني 8010

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ممكن تساعدوني Post_o108/3/2011, 8:09 pm
رقم المشاركة: 2
مُساهمة  رد: ممكن تساعدوني
<LI id=jsArticleStep1 itxtHarvested="1" itxtNodeId="8">

Allow the children to honestly express their feelings about one another. Don't downplay a child's feelings, or try talking them out of feeling the way they say they feel. Children feel their parents understand them best when their feelings are acknowledged.
<LI id=jsArticleStep2 itxtHarvested="1" itxtNodeId="7">2

Avoid making comparisons because it is not an effective way of dealing with jealously among children. Comparisons stir jealous feelings and can make one child angry, possibly wanting to get even with the child receiving the praise.
<LI id=jsArticleStep3 itxtHarvested="1" itxtNodeId="6">3

Create a system for equal distribution to reduce the occurrence of squabbles. Make sure everyone receives the same amount of juice each morning, takes turns equally choosing what to have for lunch, and deciding what to watch on television.
<LI id=jsArticleStep4 itxtHarvested="1" itxtNodeId="5">4

Treat children as individuals instead of trying to make them seem equally the same. Point out the things that make each child unique so they feel special and loved for who they are.
<LI id=jsArticleStep5 itxtHarvested="1" itxtNodeId="4">5

Set boundaries and insist your children respect one another. For example, explain to your kids that they should always ask before borrowing one another's things or ask to be invited before entering each other's bedrooms.</LI>

Read more: How to Deal With Jealousy Among Children | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2189721_deal-jealousy-among-children.html#ixzz1G0dMgSMh

الموضوع : ممكن تساعدوني  المصدر : منتديات شمير  الكاتب:  jalal1982

توقيع العضو : jalal1982
معلومات العضو

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معلومات إضافية
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ممكن تساعدوني Yamen10
المـهنـه :
ممكن تساعدوني Office10
هـِـوْاًيُتے :
ممكن تساعدوني Sports10
مزاج اليوم :
ممكن تساعدوني 8010

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ممكن تساعدوني Post_o108/3/2011, 8:14 pm
رقم المشاركة: 3
مُساهمة  رد: ممكن تساعدوني
Just like adults, children can experience and act out feelings of jealousy that can often be painful for them and other family members. Often parents' first reaction is to scold or shame the child, but this often makes the situation worse. Helping a child deal effectively with jealousy at a young age can help him deal with similar feelings he may experience in adulthood.

Children experience jealousy for a number of reasons, involving everything from a new baby to their mother's new boyfriend to good old sibling rivalry. Some children have a more jealous nature than others and will be prone to comparing what she receives--material things, attention from parents, good grades--to what her sibling receives. In the case of a new baby, the child that was once the baby of the family now feels replaced, ignored or unloved, and feels jealous toward the new baby, who is receiving all the attention. Some children can become very attached to their parents and feel threatened when a new friend or romantic partner enters their mother's or father's life.How To Stop Bad Behavior How I stopped the defiance, lying, backtalk and outbursts in 3 steps www.ParentLearningClub.com
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Jealousy in children manifests itself in a range of bad behaviors. According to Dr. Spock, some children may become aggressive, acting out violently against a new baby, for example. Other children may act "naughty," doing things they know will make you angry on purpose to get your attention. Some children may become overly affectionate toward the object of their jealousy, making everything about the new baby, for example. Overt affection such as this is just another coping mechanism for the emotions the child is feeling. Lastly, a child may turn inward to deal with his jealousy, becoming "mopey" and detached.
Dealing With Jealousy

Children shouldn't be punished for having feelings of jealousy; jealousy is a natural human emotion that all individuals experience. Rather, they should be taught to deal effectively with the emotion and to handle situations that cause them to feel jealous. There are also things that parents can do to alleviate jealousy between siblings or between a child and a new member of the household, including treating each child as an individual rather than as equals, avoiding comparisons between children and spending special time alone with the jealous child without other siblings or household members.
Learning From Jealousy

Children will continue to experience jealousy throughout their lives if they do not learn to properly cope with the feelings and if they suffer from feelings of inadequacy or low self-worth--feelings that are often developed in childhood and carried into adulthood. Jealousy in children can be viewed as a positive opportunity to teach children about coping with these feelings. These childhood lessons, if properly taught, can help the child lead a happier and more stable life as an adult in a world where competition is rampant.
Getting Professional Help

In some cases, professional help from a family or child psychologist can be helpful if your attempts to solve the problem at home have not been successful. Psychologists who specialize in children and family dynamics will be adept at understanding and finding creative solutions to your child's difficulties and can offer you ways of coping at home that can lessen or even end your child's bad behavior due to jealousy

الموضوع : ممكن تساعدوني  المصدر : منتديات شمير  الكاتب:  jalal1982

توقيع العضو : jalal1982
معلومات العضو
crazy nurse

:: عضو نشـيط::

crazy nurse

معلومات إضافية
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الأنتساب :
العمــــــر :
البلـــــد :
ممكن تساعدوني Soudia10

ممكن تساعدوني Empty
ممكن تساعدوني Post_o109/3/2011, 2:12 am
رقم المشاركة: 4
مُساهمة  رد: ممكن تساعدوني
thanks mr. jalal

الموضوع : ممكن تساعدوني  المصدر : منتديات شمير  الكاتب:  crazy nurse

توقيع العضو : crazy nurse

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